Saturday, August 11, 2018

Twelve Months Old

Paisley Ann is One Year Old!

Our little girl is STILL in 3-6 month clothing!  I'm not sure on height and weight yet, but she has her well-check appointment on Monday so I'm very curious to see where she is on the charts.

She has 6 teeth, four on the top and 2 on the bottom.  She uses those chompers to eat lots and lots of food.  Paisley seems to eat just about anything we give her.  She is a complete mess and is only allowed to eat once she has been stripped down to her diaper, but she eats and eats well.

We took her paci away about a week and a half ago.  She was only using it while sleeping.  It was a bit rough at first, but after a couple nights she was content putting herself to sleep without it.

I guess we can officially say that we have a walker!  Probably 2-3 weeks ago she started taking steps here and there.  Now she can walk a pretty good distance across a room before falling to her bottom.  She still crawls to get where she needs to quickly, but can walk unsteadily.  I'm sure in a the next few weeks she will have it mastered.  

Paisley was cheesing hard in this hard her eyes are closed, but I just love it and had to share.

Paisley loves to play with her brother and wants whatever he is playing with.  Ollie isn't so thrilled with this, but he is pretty good about trading her for something else.  Anytime Ollie is laying on the floor, Paisley takes that as a direct invitation to crawl on top of him.  Ollie, of course, acts like he is dying as he is being beat up by his little sister... they are something else.

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