Sunday, February 28, 2021

February Snapshots

My Pre-K crew celebrated the 100th Day of School by dressing like 100 year old men and women.  I stayed in character the whole day and it was tons of fun.  With Covid and masks all school year, it was great to have so many laughs.

With the Chiefs playing in the Super Bowl again this year, we had a special dress up spirit week.  Here is Oliver on Mahomes Day.

Oliver had his 6 year old well-check.

We had a charcuterie board for the our low key Super Bowl watch party.  It was the first time we ever tried it and it was a big hit with the kids.  I loved that there were was minimal cleanup and minimal mess. 

We had some extremely cold temperatures this month which resulted in us losing water due to frozen pipes.  Riley was outside laying in this grass trying to figure out where things were frozen and what we needed to do to get it thawed out.  (Eventually, we ended up calling some professionals who were able to tell us where the frozen pipes were.  Riley was then able to cut a hole in the sheetrock (sigh!) and thaw the pipes.)

Forever my workout buddy.

Professional pancake flipper.

She's officially a part of the family...she loves chips and salsa like the rest of us.  I'm sure it won't be long until she is begging to go to "Mexico" after church like the other two.

We got our taxes done at the end of the month.  It wasn't fun and it called for drinks afterwards.

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