We had a wonderful weekend with wonderful spring weather. We didn't have anything scheduled for the weekend and were able to relax. We enjoyed time together, much of it outside.
Our weekend with this little baby unicorn was great. He took a fall at daycare this week which resulted in quite the little bruise between his eyes.

I decided that he just wanted to be a unicorn ;) He didn't cry and it hasn't seemed to bother him. All smiles for this little man.
Riley went to work for a few hours on Saturday morning. I enjoyed some morning cuddles while Riley worked. I think I got the better end of this deal by far!
Ollie and I watched a couple birds work to make a nest on the wreath of our front door. Riley wasn't as amused with their work and destroyed their progress when he got home.
While Riley changed the oil in the lawn mower and worked on other tasks in the garage, Oliver played. Ollie must have been preparing for one heck of a trip in his Cozy Coupe (or Comfy Cruiser, as Riley calls it).

He wanted to be sure that he was well hydrated.
Ollie also helped with some yard work. He is finally used to the grass and enjoys running around in the back yard.
Lately, he has been looking less and less like a baby and more like a little boy. I just can't wrap my mind about him being a toddler now!
Sunday morning we went to church in Manhattan. (We tried the church in Flush as it is much closer to our home, but Ollie didn't do well and they don't have a quieting room.) We like going to Manhattan so Ollie can run free and play in the quieting room. It makes it possible for Riley and I to actually get something out of church rather than focusing on keeping the small child quiet, happy, and confined.
After church we headed to Sunset Zoo. This was our first trip to the zoo as a family. Oliver had been with Lacey as a little baby, but was usually in a sling asleep.
He loves being outside and loved looking around at everything.
This little chimp was showing off by doing somersaults and climbing all over his momma.
Oh how I love this little guy!

Oliver has always been good at drinking water, but he especially loves to drink out of mommy's water bottle. We got him his own Camelbak so he would quit slobbering mine all up... and he loved it! Such a big boy!
"Catch me if you can!"
Following the zoo, we went to AJ's New York Pizzeria. (We tried to go here a while back, but stopped at the public library first...which resulted in us witnessing two grown men get into a physical altercation in the parking lot...which resulted in damage to my car, police reports, an angry husband, a couple of wasted hours... so we went home without pizza.)
Anyway, the pizza was worth the wait. It was super tasty and we will certainly be back.
Ollie enjoyed some of my spinach chicken alfredo pizza.
Once we got back home and Ollie had a nap (along with Riley too, of course) we headed back outside to enjoy more of the gorgeous spring weather. Oliver was a great helper with vehicle washing.
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