Saturday, December 19, 2020

Oliver's Broken Arm

 Well, we made it over five years with Oliver before he required his first ER visit.  While playing outside after school at extended care, he fell.  Apparently, he was kicking around a ball and tried to stop the ball with his foot and lost his balance.  His fall landed him on his arm and resulted in a broken bone.  I was there at school, but had taken a group of kids to the bus.  Oliver met me in the building on my way back and my preschool aide told me that he refused to move it for about 20 minutes.  I took him inside and we called Riley.  Riley said he was probably fine, but we hadn't taken his coat off yet.  I had to coax him to take his coat off and his arm didn't look quite right.  I told Riley that I thought Oliver needed to be taken to the ER to have it x-rayed.  Due to Covid, only one adult would be able to take him.  I volunteered Riley to since Eden would want me after school and I had Cindy Lou hair from Grinch Day at school.

Riley took him to the ER in Clay Center.

It was pajama day at school so I'm sure he got some weird looks.

He was a trooper through it all and they put him in a sling with an appointment for the following day at orthopedics to see if surgery was necessary.

He and I went to school the following morning and then left his afternoon appointment at orthopedics.

His appointment revealed that surgery would be required so we were sent for Covid testing.  Luckily they didn't stick the swab clear up his nose.  For kids ten and under, they just swabbed in their nostrils, which I was grateful for and I'm sure he was too.

He earned himself an ice cream cone for being so good.

He broke his arm on Wednesday afternoon, we saw orthopedics on Thursday, and surgery was Friday.  He was disappointed to miss his class Christmas party as it was the last school day before Christmas break.  I missed out on Polar Express Day at preschool, but there was no way that my little guy was being put under without me there.

Only one adult was allowed in with him and mommy trumps when it comes to this sort of thing.  He and daddy said their goodbyes at the van and Riley hung out in the parking lot after running a few errands.

Oliver's sweet friend, Parker made him a card and her mom dropped it off along with a bag of goodies.  It was such a kind gesture and we were so grateful as it helped pass the time.

Being taken back for surgery.  Poor little guy!

Surgery went well and he was back in my arms in about an hour and a half.

He had a hard time waking up and was just so sleepy.

Some orange Gaterade helped to perk him up a bit.

Snuggling and watching Rudolph trying to get him to wake up a bit more so we could go home.

Chick-Fil-A makes everything better.

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