Thursday, September 15, 2022

Oliver's Broken Arm

 I can't believe that I'm sharing this as we are here again, but Oliver broke his arm for a third time!  He was running in PE, tripped and ran into the wall.  The office called my classroom phone and told me that Oliver was in the nurse's office and that I needed to come down.  I was short staffed and told them I would be just a couple minutes since I had students in three different locations at the time.  As I helped students finish up at snack and use the restroom, I got to thinking that they didn't say he threw up or anything.  My mind went straight to - "Oh my gosh, he broke his arm again."  I told myself that was silly to think, but because he had done it twice before, but then convinced myself that the secretary didn't say why so it had to be bad.  A couple minutes later, I walked into the office and my principal was standing there.  I asked, "Did Oliver break his arm again?" halfway joking and he just lowered his head and nodded.  After about half a second in the nurse's office, it was evident he broke it and I called Riley.  Riley's reaction was exactly what I thought it would be which is why I called him in the hallway so nobody would hear his word choice as he replied, "Are you $%^&ing kidding me?!"

We met Riley at the Clay Center ER and I took the girls home.

Paisley was a very concerned little sister.

Riley called telling me that they were being sent to Manhattan to have a reduction.  I switched places and he stayed home with the girls while I took Oliver.

It was a long evening and we didn't make it back until nearly midnight.

He wanted McDonald's and got it as I was also starving.

The doctor was hopeful that the bone would stay were it was suppose to, but wanted weekly x-rays to be sure.  We only made it two weeks and the bone had started to shift.  

Surgery again, but this time it was just an external pin so he won't have to be put under to have it removed.  He will be in a long cast for 3 weeks, have the pin removed, and then get a short cast for 3 weeks.

Of the 6 times, he's been put under due to breaking his arm, I think this was the worst one.  He had a hard time waking up and felt pretty sick to his stomach.  He never threw up, but it sure felt pretty crummy.  

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