Saturday, April 11, 2020

Eden's Arrival

Eden was due to arrive on April 15, but we induced on April 10.  I thought it would be a labor and delivery  similar to my past two, but due to Covid-19 it was very different.

First of all, Riley was the only one allowed in the hospital with me and we were screened upon arrival.  At 7:45 I was given Pitocin to start labor.  Dr. Roles came in at 9:00 to break my water and check me.  I was at a 4 at this time.  (At my last appointment with Dr. Roles on March 30 I was already dilated to a good 3 almost 4 so I assumed things would go quickly.)  I did not anticipate things would go as quickly as they did though.

My nurse told me around 9:00 that the anesthesiologist had just given another woman an epidural so he was going to hang out on the floor so I could get my epidural whenever I was ready.  I really hadn't had any terrible contractions at that point so I figured I would wait a bit.  Shortly after I decided that I would go ahead and get my epidural so I wouldn't be wasting his time waiting.  The epidural went in at 9:15 and that's when things got crazy.  I think the epidural actually jump started things because just as he left the room the contractions started coming on fast and hard.  Wayne, the anesthesiologist, came in three more times to give me more meds.  Each time nothing seemed to change and he commented that he just couldn't get caught up and ahead of the contractions.  By 10:40 I was dilated to a 7 and by 11:00 I was at 9.5.  The final time Wayne came in he said that with as much as he had given me I would be ready for a c-section.  Finally with the last bit in my epidural my legs started to go numb and I was ready to push.

I felt a lot of contractions and a lot of pain between 9:15 and 11:00, but luckily the epidural finally caught up in time to deliver baby.  I pushed only 3 times and baby Eden arrived at 11:13.

Her hair is dark like her brother and sister's was, but her's is very interesting.  The tips are blonde, almost like it's been frosted or something.

The rest of our hospital stay was less eventful, much less eventful.  Visitors were not allowed so we were moved to a recovery room and had a weirdly quiet afternoon and evening.  We closed the blinds and all took afternoon naps.  Riley and I ordered and ate supper together as we chatted and baby Eden slept some more.  Although we missed out on the joy of sharing our new baby with others right away, it was nice for the three of us to bond and relax.

Although our hospital stay was quiet, we were anxious to get back to our chaos.  I missed Oliver and Paisley and my own bed.  We were able to check out early Saturday afternoon making our stay just a little over 24 hours.

Riley insisted that a stop at the Fridge would certainly be considered "essential" during this time of uncertainty.

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