Sunday, February 11, 2018

Six Months Old

Paisley Ann is half a year old today!

And the biggest and best news of all is that she is now sleeping at night!!  Several weeks ago, I was getting pretty desperate due to sleep deprivation.  I put up a post on Facebook explaining our situation and begging for advice.  She was waking more than she ever had before, even as a newborn.  We decided to move her to her room (which I was super nervous about because she had been getting up what felt like a gillion times a night and I really didn't want to walk down to her room that many times) and diffuse lavender essential oil in her room.  Now it didn't happen overnight... it took a little bit of time for her to get used to it, but she is now sleeping SO much better.  Often times she will sleep 8-9 hours at a time.  If she wakes to eat it is near time for her to wake, but more often that not she is sleeping  through the night.  The other day she slept for 10 hours!  Riley and I are so happy (and much more rested) for this change!
 Little Miss is still in 3 month clothes.  Her well-check appointment isn't until next week, so I'm not sure on height and weight stats.

She recently discovered her feet and loves to play with them especially when she has direct access to them without socks or footie jammies getting in the way.
 Paisley has a good routine going as far as during the day at daycare and with us at home.  Since changing her sleeping habits she seems to be less fussy.  She's mostly happy and smiley which we absolutely love.

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