Monday, December 2, 2019

Gender Reveal

We found out that our final baby is going to be a girl!

I wasn't sure how to reveal the news to our family as we were only finding out the day before Thanksgiving and leaving that afternoon to head to Horton.  It didn't leave us a lot of time to figure something out.  I decided that t-shirts would be easy enough, especially since Haley always comes through.  I gave her the heads up a couple weeks in advance so she could have the shirts bought and the design ready.  She was given the honor of being the first to know (other than Riley and I) and was even able to keep it a secret for almost 24 hours (as far as we know anyway).

Haley had the shirts with her at my parents' house so we went and got them and put them on the kids the morning of Thanksgiving.  We had only told the kids on our way as we knew that they couldn't keep a secret.  As soon as we walked in the door of my parents' house my mom asked Ollie and he said it's a girl before even getting his coat unzipped.

Sharing the news with Riley's family went a little differently.  We came back with the kids wearing their shirts.  Nobody even seemed to notice they were wearing something different.  After about 30 minutes, I told them to go show Grandma and Grandpa their new shirts.  They were excited just the same and Riley and I got some laughs out of nobody noticing.

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